My site is based on the default Jekyll theme minima. It’s a one-size-fits-all Jekyll theme for writers that can get you up-and-running quite quickly. Luckily it can be easily customized to fit your needs. I followed the minima README file and this guide by Yi Ou to avoid having to figure out everything myself.

Configuring out-of-the box plugins

Jekyll comes with some plugings, for example

  • kramdown: a ruby library to parse markdown into HTML
  • rouge: a pure-ruby syntax highlighter
  • disqus: a comment plugin

Markdown and Syntax Highlighting

The default Markdown renderer for Jekyll is kramdown. The other one is Redcarpet but Github has dropped support for it in 2016.

The configuration options for kramdown are listed here. For example you can configure kramdown for Github Flavored Markdown (GFM) with ‘rouge’ as the syntax highlighter like this:

markdown: kramdown

  input: GFM
  syntax_highlighter: rouge

Ever since GitHub pages have upgraded Jekyll to version 3 you can use Rouge as your default syntax highlighter, like this:

markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge

Enabling Disqus comments

To enable Disqus, you first need to set up and account and configure it for your site:

  • Sign-up for a Disqus account if you don’t have one yet
  • Choose the option ‘I want to install Disqus on my site’
  • Choose a name for your website and select a category
    • Assume I choose ‘my_disqus_shortname’ and ‘Tech’
  • Pick a plan. I went for Basic (Free, Ads Supported)
  • Select the ‘Jekyll’ platform and click ‘Configure’
  • Configure Disqus and point it to your Github pages website
  • Go into your _config.yml file and add following lines
  shortname: my_disqus_shortname

Enabling Google Analytics

The minima theme has a plugin for Google Analytics. Sign up for an account and configure a tracking id for your website. To enable Google Analytics, add the following lines to the _config.yml file of your Jekyll site:

google_analytics: UA-NNNNNNNN-N

But replace UA-NNNNNNNN-N with the tracking id that was assigned to you and your site.

Enabling Excerpts on the Home PAge

To display post-excerpts on the Home Page, simply add the following to your _config.yml:

show_excerpts: true

The homepage will show the first paragraph below the title of the post (instead of the full post). I noticed that on HTML pages, you need to put a blank line after the first paragraph to reliably use this feature:

  This will be shown as excerpt. Put an empty line after this paragraph's closing tag.

  This is the second paragraph. Don't hesitate to add more paragraphs after this one.

Customizing the template

To customize the template you need to copy the files that you want to change into the same folder under your site. From your site’s root folder, run this command to open the folder that contains the files of the minima theme.

cd $(bundle show minima)

Showing an icon for the RSS feed

Copy the head.html and header.html files to your sites _includes folder. Here you can edit them with nano for example.


Add a link to font awesome, e.g. by adding this line inside the <head> block

  rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous"

There are other ways of including font-awsome, e.g. by using their own CDN.


Add a link to your rss feed by adding this line at the end of the <div> with class = “trigger”

<div class="trigger">
 <a class="page-link" href="/feed.xml">
  <i class="fa fa-rss" aria-hidden="true"></i>